Sustainable Agriculture & Rural Livelihoods Initiative (SARLI) Project
Main objective:
The SARLI project is funded by German’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and ADRA Germany and aims to contribute to the overall socio-economic and rural development and poverty alleviation of Lao PDR by promoting sustainable and climate smart agriculture by strengthening rural farmers resilience and livelihood systems through improved institutional and civic capacity in Xiengkhouang and Vientiane province in Laos (SDGs 12 “Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns” and 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”).
Project activities:
SARLI will implement in 10 districts in 2 provinces, 6 districts in Xiengkhouang and 4 districts in Vientiane Province where we will work closely with 52 Target Farmer Organizations (FOs). Throughout the project life, 52 FOs will participate in project activities including:
- 52 FOs will be trained in Good Agriculture Practice (GAP) and Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), they will be encouraged to bring that knowledge into practice which can help them produce cleaner and greener agricultural products and increase the value of their products and improve their livelihoods. FO’s will also participate in local and national platforms where they can share their experiences and exchange on a variety of relevant topics and learnings.
- SARLI will also support FOs in market linkage by providing training in business planning, market analysis, access to finance, improving product branding and marketing, therefore helping FOs be able to run their business more effectively and meet market demand.
- And to ensure the learnings and activities are sustainable, extensive capacity building opportunities will be provided to local authorities, our beneficiaries and partners and staff.
Besides the members of 52 FOs that will directly benefit from SARLI, indirectly traders, retailers, and private sector enterprises or businesses will benefit from increased opportunities to sell clean agricultural production and the populations of Xiengkhouang and Vientiane will benefit through increased access to clean and sustainable agricultural production.
Household Members

Farmer Groups
SARLI project partners include: BMZ – Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, ADRA Germany, Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Development Association (SAEDA), People with Disability Development (PDDA), Xiengkhuang and Vientiane Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Departments, and District Agriculture and Forestry Offices.

SARLI MOU Signing Ceremony
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in cooperation with the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Germany has granted more than 20.6