On 10 – 12 December 2019, ADRA Laos conducted our first 3 Social Inclusion events in Mang, Phouxell and Yortpair Villages. To celebrate International Disability Day and bring social awareness of People with Disability to communities, Tai and Porm from ADRA Vientiane Programs team, alongside Lattana from Lao Disabled People’s Association, our PICRAIL and ENHUP teams, government partners, Xiengkhouang Rehabilitation Centre, JMAS, and SAEDA, led inclusive activities and games for villagers to participate in to gain a better understanding of the life of PWDs.

This historic event was the first of its kind in our Villages and raised all kinds of reactions from the participants. Some thought it was fun and sociable, some thought it was informative, and others thought it was emotional. People were happy. Big smiles could be seen on the faces of the PWDs invited. Some could not hold their tears of joy. The gifts couldn’t have been more relevant. Xiengkhouang was cold, dropping down to 1 or zero degree at midnight. Blankets, socks, scarfs, and gloves were needed the most.

PWDs are target beneficiaries of ADRA’s PICRAIL project funded by BMZ and ADRA Germany and we are grateful for the opportunity to conduct such events to bring about much needed awareness in our villages. Thank you.