Phoukoud Integrated Climate Resilient Agriculture and Improved Livelihoods (PICRAIL) Project
The PICRAIL Project is being implemented in 16 Lao, Hmong and Khmu villages in Phoukoud District, Xiengkhouang between 2019 and 2022. PICRAIL’s ultimate goal is to increase agriculture production and income for at least 908 households including female-headed and people with disability households and small food producers.
PICRAIL is providing significant training and capacity building opportunities for government counterparts, conducting social inclusion awareness events, improving water assets and establishing village water committees for agriculture/livestock use, conducting clean agriculture, animal raising, and aquaculture training, conducting village veterinarian training, and establishing and supporting producer groups to market.
PICRAIL applies a social inclusive approach by partnering with female-headed households and people with disability households to ensure they have an enabling environment in which to participate in project activities.
The PICRAIL project partners with BMZ – Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, ADRA Germany, ADRA Netherlands, Xienkghuang Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department, Phoukoud District Agriculture and Forestry Office.
Household Members


Social Inclusion Activity
To celebrate International Disability Day and bring social awareness of People with Disability to communities inclusive activities and games for villagers were conducted to gain a better understanding of the life of PWDs.

PICRAIL Signing Ceremony
On July 10 2019, we celebrate as ADRA Lao signs our Memorandum of Understanding with Xiengkhouang Provincial Agriculture and Forestry Department for our 3+ years food security project – Phoukoud Integrated Climate Resilient Agriculture and Improved Livelihoods (PICRAIL) Project.